Our Family Law Solicitors can assist with your Legal Aid applications.

Neilson + Co Legal is on the panel for family law legal aid in New South Wales.

We are able to assist you with your legal aid application, or alternatively, you can contact legal aid and make an application directly, and nominate Neilson + Co Legal as your preferred solicitors.

In New South Wales legal aid is available for parenting matters concerning the living arrangements of children, and in some circumstances legal aid can also available for property settlement matters.

You can find more information on the Legal Aid website www.legalaid.nsw.gov.au  

The legal aid website has links to the Legal Aid Application Forms that you will need to complete. There is also a means test indicator that helps in assessing your eligibility for a legal aid grant.

If you are successful in an application for legal aid, we can represent your legal interest by attending:

  • family law mediations

  • recovery order court proceedings

  • interim hearings

  • directions hearings

  • final hearings

Have you been served with Court documents?

If you have been served with an Initiating Application, you will need to file a Response with the Federal Circuit & Family Court of Australia.

Your Response documentation needs to be filed within the required time period. Therefore, pay close attention to the dates on the documents and if appropriate promptly apply for legal aid.

Recovery Orders

If you have been served with an urgent recovery order or wish to make an application for an urgent recovery order for a child, please contact our office.

Ongoing Legal Aid

Throughout your family law matter you will need to continue to provide up to date information to Legal Aid about your financial circumstances and Court matter.  Neilson + Co Legal will assist you in providing the required information to Legal Aid.

Here at Neilson + Co Legal we offer caring and compassionate legal advice for families during difficult time.  Please contact our office for an appointment on 0401 783 134. 

Louise Neilson